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(c) Somebody’s Always Hungry, 2011
Our book, SOMEBODY'S ALWAYS HUNGRY, is available at a discount from us. You can buy it from us through PayPal (both the paperback and THE HARD COVER) right here, right now. After you've bought through PayPal, if you'd like, Julie will inscribe and sign your copy(ies) if you fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Or, if you prefer to buy from a traditional source, find a link to Amazon after the PayPal Shopping Cart. (Hint: although we don't particularly like Amazon, they sometimes have lower prices than we do. We just want you to read the book so save the money if you need to.)
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We think you'll like Somebody's Always Hungry. We have described our audience as present mothers, would-be's, used-to-be's and anyone who has known a mother sometime in their lives. Maybe it's not for serial killers. But surely fathers qualify. And, if you have bought copies from us at PayPal, Julie will be happy to sign them (to whomever you tell us) when you let us know on the form below that you have done so and what you want Julie to say. Thanks for being with us.
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Somebody’s Always Hungry
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